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Bundesamt für Wirtschaftliche Landesversorgung - BWL


Die Verfügbarkeit von Gütern und Dienstleistungen sicherstellen, das ist die Aufgabe der Wirtschaft. Wenn die Wirtschaft diese Funktion bei schweren Mangellagen nicht mehr selber wahrnehmen kann, greift der Staat mit gezielten Massnahmen in das Marktgeschehen ein, um beispielsweise entstandene Angebotslücken bei lebenswichtigen Gütern und Dienstleistungen zu schliessen. Diese Zusammenarbeit von Wirtschaft und Staat zeigt sich auch in der Organisation der wirtschaftlichen Landesversorgung.

The SVI has been politically involved in the Federal Office for National Economic Supply for years. The “Pack Section” is managed by the President of the SVI. Another board member is a member of the section. Through active participation, the value of packaging could be politically positioned. Packaging is now considered systemically important.

The importance of packaging became particularly apparent during the pandemic. It also shows how dependent we are on foreign countries. Transport logistics, consignment stores and warehousing are topics that are widely discussed in the group and should lead to a stable national supply.

The national economic supply ensures the availability of goods and services that are essential for the functioning of a modern economy and society. In the event of a supply bottleneck, it intervenes in the market with targeted measures in order to close any gaps in supply.
The task of supplying the national economy is laid down in Article 102 of the Federal Constitution.